My first stash of code specifically for re-use!
I decided it was time to go back and extract some code from previous projects. I wanted to take various features, widgets etc that could be re-used in future projects and put them into my own component library. Another attraction to this idea is that I felt in a small way it would be a better representation of how things would be done in a commercial setting.
To that end, I started my GitHub repository and began work. A link to the repo on GitHub is below:
componentlibrary1 (this link opens in a new window) by mxfoyster (this link opens in a new window)
My first JavaScript & CSS component library
There are a number of different examples. Some just use HTML and CSS 3 while others incorporate JavaScript and occasionally PHP. Examples and details of implementation can be found on the website at
The Future
As time goes on, I may add to this project. However, as you will see in a more recent project, I am quite motivated to use React for future components. Maybe I will incorporate some of those into this library?